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Dmg Of A Small Bastard Sword 3.5

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Cheesey Goodness
Validated User
Dmg Of A Small Bastard Sword 3.5
Cheesey Goodness
Validated User

Dmg Of A Small Bastard Sword 3.5 X

So, I've gone on about about the Complex NPC section in teh new DMG II and, basicly, bitched and moaned and so forth. Rest of teh book is aces, but, I didn't like that part.
But, I got all guilty.
It's easy, especially online, to bitch and moan and be negative, but not turn around and actually, you know, contribute.
So, figured that I should, and if anyone else wants to run alongside, well, all teh better. We'll plant a flag and mark this thread as a place to set up NPCs for general use by everybody. I'm sure that things I finduseful, others would never touch, and vice versa, but, hey, get enough stuff in here and everyone should find something, right?
As the chief whiner, my duty to go first, to show an example or three. As such..
The Black Knight
The Black Knight is a basic Evil Tyrant for a low-end party .. the son of a count or duke that's bored and looking to cause trouble, a PC's rival from the noble courts, or even just a landless noble tired of playing the court game and having decided to take matters into his own hands. He rules a small group of minions .. often humans, but Orcs, Hobgoblins, or even Gnolls would work as well. He would work with, but rarely lead, Goblins or Ogres, finding the former too weak and the latter too dumb to be of use in his future-empire, but fine for hiring for the short term. Black Knights tend to be less 'Evil' than most other evil types, their lawful nature allowing a PC band to trust them to an extent. They don't break their word and usually fight honorably, but some see few problems with the letter of an agreement and weasling their way out of things. They have potential in romantic subplots as well, tho it should be noted that they tend to take a mate as a possession and accessory more than an other half. A trinket for one's arm or one to bear children with, but rarely more than that.
The Black Knight is based on the Aristocrat, giving them a large skill base and a noble's heritage, putting them in a position of manipulation and privledge, then given over to the Fighter's path, taking with skill of arms what pure charm couldn't accomplish. They're as dangerous out of combat as in, thanks to their strong societal skills, and can be faced in a fancy ball just as well as a dank cavern. Using hirelings, they can be a surprisingly good recurring villain, simply showing up by having a head henchman have a 'Love Letter' to the party leader or dropping a token in his wake. Having the Black Knight arrested with the PCs, only to have him slip away due to his family status and influence while they rot for a few days is a surefire way to make the Black Knight hated, making his eventual defeat all the sweeter.
Black Knight (CR 2)
Aristocrat-2, Fighter-1
Lawful Evil
HP: 22
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Grapple: +4
Saving Throws: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3
Attributes: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Negotiator, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Skills: Bluff +7, Climb +3, Diplomacy +15, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +10, Jump +3, Knowledge (Royalty) +6, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6
mwk Bastard Sword +5 melee (1d10+2)
Dagger +4 melee (1d4+2)
Lt Crossbow +2 missile (1d8)
mwk Half-Plate Armor (-6 armor check penalty not included above)
mwk Large Metal Shield (-1 armor check penalty not included above)
Cape of Protection +1, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Bear's Strength, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Jump
The Black Knight fights with a villainous arrogance but something of a coward's heart. He first wears the PCs down with minions, then singles out one target to overcome personally, either a weaker foe, if he needs to create a hostage for escape, or the strongest, once they've been worn down, to set an example. He rarely uses Power Attack, but switches to a two-handed grip on his Bastard Sword when he does for maximum damage (Usually done while flanking a foe or on someone that has been tripped). He saves his Potion of Invisibility for an escape if the situation grows dire and his Potion of Bear's Strength only if facing a foe in clean combat who is his match or better (A PC Fighter or Barbarian, for example). He will surrender (or flee) when reduced to five hit points or so, rather than fight to the death.

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